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Famous for being old... but not famous for being real... 


This is a picture taken back in the antique era... but back then they did have ways of faking images like this. And even used similar ways to faking images as they did on stage to make it look like they were conjuring the dead. 


Mirrors... angled glass... and already taken images of a stairs... (lights also) 



Blurred image ... and maybe taken in a mirror.



So... whats paranormal about this?  



An old picture and a ghost hand! SCARY! Eh... not really... first lets ask why take an expensive old picture of a chest... and then we get our answer... "Because I'm going to make a fake ghost picture out of it" 


We do the same today.... 



Where are all the sane people dead... in the heart or in the head... Its more a buger on the lense then a ghost... It even looks so badly placed in there that MS PAINT would make an improvement. 


Creepy picture but... do you wonder what the other pair of hands are up the stairs... does it not seem like someone running hands up the stairs and they left the shutter open to add the blur effect... 


I see teh slight someone peeking behind a guy but how do you see that its a dead guy ... it looks more like Joseph Gordon Levitt. 


Crazy scary photo. Yeah the ghost with the mouth enlongated and it reaching in to smile for the camera. But does it not seem just a little bit too perfect and casual. It is in better focus then the women are. 

They say this is a ghost in the back seat... but... how come its just not someone being taxied around? I dont get it? 

Old photo of a man in a chair. Now... he is blurry but the photo is blown out... so the shutter must have been open... he could have gotten up to get out of the photo. 

Aparently there is a ghost on the balcony... if you see it ... please point it out to me... I just dont see anything in this picture. 

Just a really bad camera operator whose using the shutter open way to long... it made the main guy blown out and the other person passing by the camera still there. 

Very sad... its a baby's death... so this faked picture is even worse ... taste. The baby is semi transparent but what makes it a fake? That the face and upper topart is not transparent. So that shows that it was just a faked photo with very low tech means. 

Here are 25 ghost photos that are said to be untampered with!



Said to be a ghost monk... but if you look not just at him but over to the right there seems to be another person dressed similarly the the father back ground... so I dont think this was not seen at the party. 

Lots can be done in MS PAINT. This proves it. 

Move fast and take a picture of a person in a doorway or a mirror and see what happens. Did it look close to this? 



The person sitting behind this man at a church has a lot of light being shinned on him or her and the proof is the amount of light hitting the floor to the left and the bench as well. Who left that window open? 



The image is actually on top and over the table... so its not coming out behind the table... which makes me think bad photoshop. Very bad. 



Why is this a ghost picture? (hey Susan could you stand in the doorway while I take a picture?) 

A perfect shadow... Photo shop couldnt do this... no human being could ever fake this ... ever... Not ever... No way no how. 

Thats actually pretty creepy but notice how right there is very light and you can tell its just a picture over layed with a transpancy from photoshop or after effects. 

This one is a little more difficult but If you look at it you can see that there is smoke wafting in front of the camera and the light from behind accents it in just the right areas. You can see my point by seeing the bright light reflection in the television and on the wall. 

Its really light and its right there... so no smudge on the camera? Or maybe ... mad after effects... plus the shot if you notice is a moving shot ... so the blur on the stones... so what it could actually be is not seen by us cause ITS A MOVING SHOT!  

Aw who saw this to begin with ... and who is taking this picture that is not even a good picture... But sadly I've seen this exact pose if you google Antique children poses this is one of the first that show up. 

Looks like a blurred KKK member. Wearing some black. Do you ever wonder how we got the whole sheet with eyes cut out kind of ghost? Might have been this picture. Nothing is in focus... so we cant even tell what this might have been. 

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