I'm not saying all these are bogus. But... Come on. Why does every video end so easily. Chase the dang thing!
The host of this is or thinks he is the Indiana Jones of Big foot hunting. He knows the ropes. Knows the hoaxes from the facts. He is the go to guy for everything big foot and foot big.
When you have hat envy it happens cause you realize you can never look as cool as someone else in a hat that is not practical for a host... but it sure is cool.
Russians testing on Big Foot?
Maybe the russians know of Big foot and are doing bio engineering on him trying to make him the next leader of Russia and put out Putton?
When I have nothing better to do, which is everyday I find myself hooked into the very fabric of television and the tv shows, MOSTLY non educational but in some cases I find myself watching SURVIVOR MAN which is an interesting show about LES (host) going to remote locations and just surviving for "X" amount of days. Normally a week. But this man has had many strange experiences in the bush and has dedicated a few episodes in tracking down and hunting the elusive bigfoot. Here are some pictures and some footage of the episodes.

Fisherman Says He Saw Bigfoot Bathing ... And He Sent Us A Picture!
(WRITTEN BY LEE SPEIGEL) (Poked at by "Me")
One occupational hazard of reporting on unexplained phenomena: (HERPES) You can always count on waking up in the morning to find an email from someone swearing that they've just seen Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, a hybrid human alien or a UFO on the moon. (Why dont we get these mysterious emails)
2015 began with a photo from John Rodriguez, a 66-year-old retired electrician, (just begging for a purpose in life) who claims that he was fishing Dec. 26 on the Hillsborough River near northeast Tampa, Florida, and came upon an incredible sight. (he waited a long while to let the world know of his amazing ape in water trick)
"I fish for gar in the river and I bring my camera to take pictures of the birds and what not. I heard a squishing sound, looked over and saw this thing walking through the water and crouch down in the duck weed. It did not look like a guy in a suit -- it was definitely an animal. I took this picture and got out of there as fast as I could."
Here's the image that Rodriguez sent to HuffPost:
(look at him cooling off knee deep in his own
fegal matter)
Rodriguez claims to have seen and photographed -- in a completely clear and non-blurry moment -- that tall, hairy, elusive creature often reported in North America and other parts of the world that goes by many names: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti. In Florida, it's known as the Swamp Ape or Skunk Ape (primarily from descriptions of an extremely pungent odor it supposedly gives off). (cause the skunk ape stinks...)
"I've heard of Skunk Ape prints around Green Swamp [in Florida], but never anything like this," Rodriguez told HuffPost in an email. "My whole life, never seen anything like it."
Of course, the fact that the photo looks a little too crisp at some points, made us suspect it to be a fraud. Just look at the jagged line between the hairy beast and the water. That could be the work of a novice who just downloaded Photoshop for the first time.
However, we've got some time to kill. And doesn't this man deserve to be taken at his word? After all, wouldn't finding Bigfoot be a great way to kick off 2015?
Rodriguez said he snapped the picture in the early afternoon at an area where the Hillsborough River becomes a cypress swamp. The map below shows a small section of the 59-mile-long river that flows through Florida, filled with wildlife preserves that include many not-so-friendly creatures, such as alligators, known to jump into canoes and attack unsuspecting humans.
(What I believe he digitally edited out- the eyepatch and the mustache and the pipe)
So, what are we to make of this fantastic tale? Did Rodriguez take the clearest, most definitive picture to date of Bigfoot?
Not so fast, according to Ben Hansen, lead investigator of the Syfy Channel's "Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files" series.
"It's a relief to finally have a clear picture of the creature," Hansen, a former FBI agent, told HuffPost. "Every other photo and video we get is usually too blurry or the Bigfoot too obscured in brush to allow for any useful identification. Thanks to the clear photo, I'm excited to announce that the photographer has captured a real-life... gorilla in a Bigfoot suit!"
"To be more precise, the face of a gorilla that has been digitally added to the photo with editing software. Although I originally suspected the creature suit was actually in the water when the photo was taken, I started to notice shadows in front of the Bigfoot that appeared to be an inconsistent length and shape with the rest of the photo."
"Additionally, there appears to be some heavy digital editing touch-up to the fur around the face and where the body meets the water. I'm now leaning more toward believing the whole creature was pasted into the image and then branches and twigs were added in the foreground. The branches also could have really been in the scene, but they were later edited as separate layers so Bigfoot looks like he's now behind them, sitting in deep contemplation."
Digital photographs use a format called EXIF data, which stores a lot of accessible information within each image -- like shutter speed, if a flash was used, date and time of the image, etc. Hansen pointed out that the EXIF information of the Florida swamp creature picture suggests the image was digitally created on Dec. 26 with Photoshop.
Exif Pilot is a free EXIF editor that allows you to:
View EXIF, EXIF GPS, IPTC, and XMP data. More >>
View descriptions of fields that contain data.
Edit, create EXIF, EXIF GPS, and IPTC data. More >>
Edit some Makernote tags.
Import/Export EXIF/IPTC from/to XML format. More >>
Import/Export EXIF/IPTC from/to MS Excel files. More >>
Import/Export EXIF/IPTC from/to Text file in CSV format. More >>
Import/Export EXIF/IPTC from/to XMP data.
Choose tags for export.
Since those details are extremely important when trying to research unexplained phenomena images, we asked Rodriguez about this.
"I did not Photoshop this at all. Believe me or not," Rodriguez said. "When I plug in my memory card, it asks to import and opens in Photoshop. I just changed the name and saved. It seems like people get publicly crucified for coming forward with this kind of stuff."
Rodriguez also said this debunking attitude is what caused him to initially hesitate sending the original picture to HuffPost.
A March 2014 smithsonian.com story about the search for Florida's Skunk Apepointed out the following:
The belief in mythological animals might be as old as humanity itself. Nearly every culture's folklore contains at least one imagined creature in its folklore that has no place in modern science.
It's easy to imagine how, in the days when much of the planet had yet to be explored and catalogued, you might have reasonably believed in the existence of any of these beasts. But in the present day, when every square mile of the earth's surface has been photographed by satellites, and scientists have identified 1.3 million species (with mostly plants, tiny animals and microbes remaining to be found), how could you still believe in a lumbering, seven-foot-tall ape, hiding out in one of the most well-studied countries on the planet?
(I cant point out wyoming on a map)
When dealing with reports and discussions about things like Bigfoot, UFOs, lake monsters, ghosts, etc., there's always a fine line walked by those who make the claims and the skeptics or outright debunkers who do their best to make the stories go away.
In the most literal sense, that's the nature of the beast -- especially where large, hairy creatures are involved.
Hansen brings up another item about this current alleged Skunk Ape sighting near Tampa.
"The white stripe down the middle of the head and chin is a nice touch. If it's a Skunk Ape, why not make it look like a skunk, right? In reality, I have yet to come across a story with any merit where witnesses describe the Skunk Ape with an actual white stripe like a skunk." (Hey go easy on the guy he's new to hoaxes)
Par for the course, these stories produce strong opposing points of view. And still, one clear photograph of something that may or may not be a real Bigfoot is not definitive proof that the creature exists, the way DNA evidence -- or an actual body -- would be.
We still, apparently, don't have either of those things yet.
(there is a yo mamma joke somewhere that works with this... but that too is as elusive as the Bigfoot himself)

"THE MOST CONVINCING EVIDENCE SINCE PATTERSON-GIMLIN": Does this Maine video show proof of Bigfoot?
By Seth Koenig
Mainer Bill Brock (Take note you will see this name quite a bit) is the host of a monster-hunting show that has aired on the Discovery Channel and its Destination America sister network, and he’s been searching for Sasquatch — “Bigfoot” — for years.
Searching for years. Take note of that too.
He told me (Seth Koenig) today the evidence he has seen and heard up in Turner is good. The question is whether it’s too good to be true.
What makes good=GREAT!
“I’m not telling you that this is Sasquatch,” he said. “I’m telling you we either have a bunch of things that are lining up to be the most convincing evidence since the Patterson-Gimlin video or this is a really amazing hoax.”
Amazing is an adjective : causing great surprise or wonder, astonishing. Brock's definition of amazing might be a bit less then average.
To be clear, Brock thinks his witness — a 12-year-old Turner resident — is being truthful. So if it’s a big scam or a case of badly mistaken identities, the boy is as much a victim as anyone else who buys in.
I trust every twelve year old I meet. Why shouldn't he. If the boy is lying would that really make him a victim? I'll look up the definition of victim while you read on.
“This really terrified this kid. He was shaking,” Brock said.
Terrified! SHAKING! Not just nervous because he's creating a hoax?
“I’ve done enough interviews with people who say they’ve seen Sasquatch to know … he was scared. It was almost frightening to watch him deal with it.”
Woah... He must be an expert... Where's his PHD in psychology?
The Patterson-Gimlin video, for reference, was a controversial 1967 motion picture (Motion picture... come on... its not like it was in theaters. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0191831/fullcredits?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm ok... I stand corrected maybe this was a "FILM" ... shot by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin near Bluff Creek in California depicting what they maintained (Thought... believed... were convinced of) was Sasquatch. The footage is perhaps the best-known of all Bigfoot imagery and has been widely debated in terms of its authenticity.
Directed by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin
Starring Roger Patterson
IMDB credit !
BUT THIS IS THE BREAK DOWN and analizing of
So let’s get to the Turner evidence.
There’s video of something very clearly walking across this rural stretch of property. There’s audio of a whooping noise. And there are some really clearly defined — and big — humanoid footprints in the granular Turner snow.
Oddly enough ... The original footage from 1960's
seemed more legit then this... mainly cause the
guy still held the camera and didnt have it mounted
somewhere. Like he knew the beast was coming!
Here’s one of the video clips, now enhanced and given a bit of analysis by Brock: (ABOVE)
There’s obviously something walking across the back of the shot. Now here’s a longer video put together by Brock featuring some interviews, another stretch of footage potentially showing Bigfoot crossing the property, and shots of those footprints:
Brock called the combination of video footage, the footprints and the audio a “perfect storm” of evidence — so perfect, in fact, that he was cautious about believing it. But as a longtime Bigfoot researcher, he said all of those pieces of evidence were independently — and eerily — similar to other pieces of evidence he’s collected or seen over the years.
And this is something that frightens me. People who dont believe that others can watch a tv show and just try to make a hoax as authentic as
possible... making a bigfoot hoax isn't that hard or cost that much.
Screenshot of Bill Brock’s video from Turner
(the red footprint outline is something I
added to help make it clear what he was
looking at there).
The footprints were similar in dimension to
footprints he once studied up in the remote
Chain of Ponds area in the northwest corner
of the state, and the whooping call picked up
on the Turner audio sounds much like the
haunting noise captured in the background
of an unrelated video segment Brock once
made on porcupines.
With the emergence of more technology to capture images and sounds from the forest, many Bigfoot enthusiasts claim the mysterious hairy beast can be identified by a howl-like vocal call.
Witnesses who have claimed to see Bigfoot over the decades have described him — or her, I guess — as a bipedal creature standing between 7 and 10 feet tall, weighing as much as 500 pounds and covered in hair.
An 1886 newspaper article detailed eyewitness reports of a 10-foot-tall hairy “wild man” roaming the forests of northern Maine, and in 1973, multiple people in Durham reported seeing an “upright and chimpanzee-like” being traipsing about in that rural town.
“I’ve had some weird experiences here in Maine,” said Brock, who said he lined the Turner audio wavelengths up with those of the “weird howl” sound in the back of his porcupine video: “They were very close. That was kind of odd.”
“[The Turner footage] has a howl on it, and it sounds just like what you’d hear on [the popular Animal Planet TV show] ‘Finding Bigfoot,’” he said. “Everything that I found out there has seemed to be good. Nobody feels like they’re lying to me. I didn’t find anything that made me think, ‘Yeah, this is completely fake.’ If you keep an open mind about it, why couldn’t the perfect storm happen?”
Brock plans to return to the Turner area Saturday with a full complement of evidence gathering gadgets, hot on the trail of whatever is stomping around barefoot up there.
“I really want to go out and spend more time there and find out what’s going on. I’m going to be deploying a whole bunch of trail cams and putting up a bunch of audio recorders,” he said. “All that together will produce something if there’s something there, whether there’s a Sasquatch out there or a guy walking around in camo.”
SO THE BIG QUESTION NOW IS WHAT OR WHO DO YOU BELIEVE? BIGFOOT EXISTS? 12 year olds dont lie? Or all of the above?

This is a bunch of them. Slowed down some too. Shocking Eh!
Here you can find a lot of evidence of BIGFOOT that may or may not be hoaxed. You decide.
This is an interview with Al Hodgson in 2005 conducted by Will Jevning.
"Here is a great interview with my neighbor, AL HODGSON, here in Willow Creek. Al was at the heart of the Bigfoot world living here during the prime years in the 50s until the 2000s. He's still here, but wisely he has retired from "Bigfooting." Al is the one who called the Patterson house to get Roger and Bob Gimlin to come down to Bluff Creek in 1967." -Will Jevning
(be warned only watch if you have eaten and or ready for terror)
At least that is what the video said "100% Real" (my ass)
I half ass thought this was going to be one of those
silent then "BOOM" scare videos. But that would have
added to some kind of enjoyment or interesting-ness
about the video. Here I didn't even see the so called
bigfoot. Or anything but just some close ups on grass
and trees.
A waste of time but thank you for sharing it with me!
Science proves that a new bear species is out there and we have no idea what it is. The hair tested proves that there is a bear species out there we don't know about. CHECK IT OUT!
Science proves that a new bear species is out there and we have no idea what it is. The hair tested proves that there is a bear species out there we don't know about. CHECK IT OUT!
So check these out and see what you think. I thinik these are a bit... too ... well ... photogenic. Cause everyone has a phone that can do video. Well ... dont take a pic take video!