Have you ever been told a story that wasn't true it was real? Have you ever wondered how that first sentence made sense? Well BOOGEYMAN is like that. Good tones set by the creepy doorway with a hand, awesome themeatic elements with the blue... but story... is there a story... has there been one all along? Or should we revisit what I previously wrote. Lets look back. The good tones are set by the creepy doorway with a hand - I am referring to the poster, yes the poster to the right. Now awesome thematic elements with the blue... I am now talking about the movie ... alot of blue within the film. what about the story? How was the story... it was pretty good if I were to make a short film about things that scare me and keep on scaring me and you have to conquer your fear. Was there ever a real reason to what the BOOGEYMAN is? No... but do we need it? NO... not really... for a movie like this ... shot like this... (shots were aweswome by the way) we dont need anything but loud noises! So what did we get. A HELL OF A LOT OF LOUD NOISES! BOOYA! Go see the movie and be thrilled with all the amazing noises that come through, and out of you. Now do I recommend this for everyone? No, if you are the type of person who needs substance in your movies and reason and not just "BOO!" then dont see this movie. If your like most of the people in this world "me" then you will enjoy it.
By Gerald Crum