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THE Do's and DON'TS of being a SCREAM QUEEN


In the world of Horror ... certain names stand above the rest. But easily the most crucial part of any horror film is being the SCREAM QUEEN. 


Amazing scream queens have come and gone, more gone then come. But what are these new scream queens doing wrong? WHERE do you go wrong being scared? Here are the DO'S and DON'TS of being a SCREAM QUEEN. 



Lets be serious. All scream queens need to have some kind of sexual attraction. OR THE THREE B'S 







The main goal of a scream queen is to keep the audience focused. If you have something worth focusing our eyes on we will make sure to keep the movie on. And this also broadens our fear. If the main character is a very bad actress but a very nice set of BOOBS we will still have non stop fright as we hope that nothing happens to our main Heroine meat sacks. 

RULE 2 - Embrace the Carnage 


How many times have we seen our heroine running away and suddenly she gets side tracked and gets into a situation where she is now brutally covered in blood. You cant wash it off now you have to embrace your new look and keep it looking sexy and satisfying for the audience. 

RULE 3 - You cant be too afraid


Make sure you are afraid... or else you will end up dying... cause that means your not the scream queen heroine. So know you can be afraid but not in so much fear that you cant some how over come that fear and fight back. The things that scare you cant get you into a state of undeniable fear where you curl up on the floor and cry for the whole movie... who would find that enjoyable.

Allow yourself to be afraid. But always grab a weapon so you can fight back


RULE 4 - Innocence


We dont ever follow the scream queen whose sexually active or a whore. But who we do follow is the heroine who is very sweet and modest. So remember to stay as modest as possible but keep the audience begging for you to take off some articles of clothing. 





You must be a believable screamer! How can you be labeled as a scream queen if you dont know how to scream... believablely. It just cant happen. 

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