An Explosive Expendable
Understanding the situation of how I came to see this movie really makes you get into the mind set of why I feel the way I do about this movie. It all started me trying to win tickets to go see an undesirable concert - The wiggles were in town- and I ended up not actually winning but to my craftiness I thought I would go up to the radiostation and claim I did win. Upon being rejected and thrown out of the building I noticed free tickets to an early screening of the EXPENDABLES 3 laying on the counter so I using my quick hands snatched about the whole stack and went on my merry way. So how did I feel? I was a man with a kick in my step and a Shakira song in my heart, these hips do not lie.
So how was the movie? The EXPENDABLES 3 was everything you want from a movie named EXPENDABLES 3. Kind of like when you order a double supreme... of anything. You expect a supreme amount of goodies undescribable by any human tongue in a mariachie band. It loaded me full of laughs... ooohhs... and ahhs... and even a "why did you just touch me there Scott?" This is one of those movies that really pile on the fun and make you wish they did a better movie before this... and even before that... but this movie was a fun romp that I am glad to have the pleasure to be touched by, but I wont go around bragging about it.
BY Gerald Crum