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Ghost Soldier
First off it's been almost a year since an article like this surfaced. YES SOMEONE has definite proof of the paranormal. Here is the article itself
Now lets see, lets examine this evidence first hand.

This is real. This has to be. Look at that.
People could possibly say that the image above (of the mirror) is just smudges cause of a lousey house cleaner. Or its staged to look that way through windex and paper towels. But they are just the kind of people that evidence like this is not for. This is for those who look in the alphabet soup and see predictions from beyond the bowl.
The next picture is that of a window... I assume... a window with a slightly super imposed midget baby hodling a cane and with a large oversized head. I'm just saing what I see... don't criticize. I still believe this is real. I believe it was really caught on a frame of a film or picture and then digitally uploaded and hardly touched up to make sure we see a baby in a soldier costume... asian baby I believe... Did we have many asian soldiers back when this "FORT" was in working order. If we didn't then we can narrow down the search by looking up pictures of ones that look like they dressed like the MONOPOLY GUY
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