Fuck you all...
Yeah... I watched this...
Beyond the experience I have more to say but in question form.
Why are we here?
Does anything really exist or are we just all perceiving all this and making it up as we go?
Did the Elmo voice guy really touch himself to little kids?
Can life get any worse?
Would this piss Ghandi off enough to hit someone?
And this movie has answered all these questions.
We are here to watch Gary Busey commit cinema suicide.
I didnt contribute to this perception and everyone who did was in the credits of this film. Serial killers take note.
I think anyone bothered by Elmo's voice actor doing this should just watch this movie and instantly forget about anything else.
No it cant.
I think Ghandi is raising up from the dead to kick Gary Busey's ass. That is the sequel to the sequel to the sequel. (YEAH they made three of these) So the fourth is Ghandi vs Gary. Happily titled Fuck it all.