Time for backlash and angry mail.
So it's been beyond many years that I've seen this Halloween Classic. Halloween H20. Yeah clever title. Reminds me exactly that the periodic table exists... it also reminds me that Alyson Hannigan looks better then Jaime Lee Curtis but yet has the same body type... not the manly jaw structure, heck she looks like Jaws from James Bond. You know the guy with the metal teeth. So I started watching this film with high hopes of nestalgia as I had some new hat on that I bought for a friend but then said "Its just a friend why buy them gifts" This hat keep in mind says "Buddy System" So casually in the movie I yelled BUDDY at the top of my lungs in a bad German accent. It wasnt right watching young heart throb Josh Hartnet being nurtured by pipe/gun biting Jaws. I just couldnt see the real connection between the two ... one bites through pipes other bites through women. Then of course Michael Myers comes on screen doing his best Shrek impersonation with a knife as he only uses the knife and the nestalgia starts to slide down to repetition as we see a stabbing... then another stabbing. Then no one dies... then another... stabbing... then I turn the television off... not because of fear but because the movie decided to restart itself. I noticed that the death toll was around the 30's by the time I caught that the scenes where jumping back to previous scenes.
Yeah, I honestly could not tell if it was a new death in the movie or just pure repeating the same scene. They could have saved so much money if they just did that through the entire film. Just when you see Michael, boom cut to the previous kill, go through story... then oh no michael... cut back to the same kill... then back to story... michael.... shit we jump back to the same repeating kill... It will give you same amount of thrills but with half the cost.