Go ninja go ninja go! So I found myself so on fire about this reboot that I tried demonstrating the thermal waves coming off my body by cracking eggs over my bare skin. Since then I found myself with completely uncooked eggs across my bare naked flesh as I lay on the carpet trying to determin how I will clean the egg residue out of the gangly fibers. Could I have attempted this stunt in the kitchen? Negative this was to show how serious I was about this movie and it showed exactly that. I have not been excited about this reboot... cause of the uncool cgi duplication? No... cause of the reinventing of Shredder? No, cause of the not so bright story line and change of almost every character's dynamics? No.... only because when I saw this trailer for the first time...yes ... when I watched it I found a hair on my chest that grew out some what oddly to the side of my nipple and I have never seen it before. So my curiousity camoed my eager sense of destruction as I ripped that sucker out (it being acurately measured here with dashes _______________________________ yeah that long. So I ended up bleeding from the side of my nipple and it ruined my entire day and this movie trailer and almost snuffed my movie going experience but its okay cause the some what lack luster reboot helped do that anyways.

Try scratching it, may turn out a better movie