Did you see it? I did.
I once found myself in the bathroom taking a number 2 (the solid matter from the butt). And upon tearing the toilet paper off and folding it to make sure there is no ripping that very thing I tried so hard to avoid happened and my right index finger went spelunking in a familiar yet new cavern. The sounds, the feelings, all the same but the whole idea behind , was new, and refreshing interlaced with the fegal rancid smell. So nowI'm stuck in the bathroom with my finger in my butt and pondering how much more worse it could become... to my surprise it didn't get much worse it just kind of lingered there (my finger) all the way up to my middle knuckle. Nothing to brag about, just moist, mushy, and unsatisfying.
After all this I decided to watch the movie Oculus... and a clear sense of Dejavu swept over me.