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Take 200mg of boredom and call me in the morning...


So welcome to the first 1 star rated Netflix wonder.  In this weekly ode to self hatred my good friend Gerald Crum picked this 1 star wonder with a spite filled heart.  The fact that he did indeed fall asleep 45 minutes into this film was not lost on me, it simply solidified my desire for some type of meaningful revenge at some later undisclosed date. 


So I watched this movie...out of grim determination, my eyes red from lack of sleep and my soul weary from yet another Bataan death march like journey through the 90 minutes of this film. 


I'm going to sum the experience up with this:


If you want to watch a film where the drinking game for it revolves around consuming a whole beer after anytime there is a meaningless ghost effect in the movie by all means go for it. 


If however you would like to have some sort of plot line and yes my standards are verrrry low on plot lines then stay far away from this movie.  One hour into this film I was reduced to a drooling idiot due to the psychological warfare techniques used. For at least 2 hours after the film I wasn't able to tell you who I was let alone what I just watched. 


How did I write this review you ask? It's quite simple really let me break it down for you:  4 hours of hypnotherapy, 24 hours of shock treatment, 36 hours of sensory depravation, and lastly more thorazine than I care to admit to was shot into my veins.


Total bill: 135,000$.


This review: priceless


BY Jason Mcroberts

  • Please feel free to comment below or just suggest another 1 Star Rated Netflix movie. 

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