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No mans land... the rise or reeker. I did it. Yes... I sat through this one. I sat through and watched this entire stinking movie. I sought out a movie that was completely different, a horror film that really wanted to test the boundries and that screams something that I just could never believe can happen. That movie I couldn't find so I picked up this one and to my surprise at the bottom of the cover it says REEKER 2... yeah... i thought I was buying NO MANS LAND. Not Reeker 2. To my dismay it wasnt until the first few minutes of the movie that I found out what I was watching. Yeah I wasnt prepared. I had the movie actually running forward... not fast forward and I was actually going to sit through it. Now I wanted to experience it the way the film makers intended so before the first exciting part I ran into the other room grabbed as much food and soda and started downing it fast. This way about half way in I would experience the smell o vision part and really get hooked. The premise is stupid... dead people... trapped... and cant die... their dead... being attacked by ... REEKER! Oh man... how this got even a dollar to make the movie I have no idea.By the middle of the movie my body embodied the very vision of the movie. My stomache started to churn a very nasty aroma that made sure to gouge my eyes and cause an acidic burning to my arms that I've never experienced before... at least not quite as potent of a burn. I didnt shart to my disapointment. I really wished I went all the way but the blue balls of half assery was all I could accomplish... just like the movie itself. It never surpassed its first murder which was better then anything Kevin Sorbo did in the psychopath horror movie he didnt do years ago... This movie stinks. Yes they added puns at the begining of this movie this time. 

Written by

Gerald Crum 


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