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"I was forced too..." 


The title is what I believe Milla said when people asked, "why another Resident Evil?" 

But my beliefs and fact are two different things. I believe squirrles hold the key to 

unlocking the past... time travel... practical application. 


So lets get into this film. 


The questions and answers to them are very cut and dry... almost like talking to a 

three year old. Let me explain. 


_So why in Resident Evil The final chapter ... do the people she meets up with let 

her run the show after knowing her for about 5 hours?  

           (I DONT KNOW, THEY LIKE HER) 

_Why is this movie so conveluded with overly done plot and story elements... such as

the man who doesn't trust her in beginning so much that he snaps pulling guns on 

those he does trust...?


_Oh so you dont watch other movies... okay... well why at the end do they say that 

this "ALICE" is actually the most "HUMAN" of all ALICE'S that came before her, when

this ALICE has never shown any type of humanity besides (im gonna kick so ass)? 

           (I LIKED TERMINATOR 2) 


Hmm... Well this is how the film is... let me lay it out... So this actually happens in 

the film... And this gives you an over view of the entire film and how it will be. 

SO ALICE is driving away from a flying monster, hurrying super fast. The monster 

through a lot of dodges and attempts to get her becomes seperated from her as 

she spins the car around to look at the monster head on. They then play CHICKEN!

She drives fast towards it, the monster does the same flying right at a large metal 

mobile contraption. This ends with her and the creature crashing into on another. 

The creature pinned against a wall snapping and bitting and reaching for her as she 

sets a claymore on the dashboard and angles it towards the creature blowing things up.

She hurts herself in the process, cause maybe it just wasn't such a great idea. 


So lets see... WHY would a creature play chicken with a large hummer type vehicle? Why 

would she place a claymore in her face right on the dashboard when she could have used it 

anyother way. ANY OTHER WAY. Why would any of this make sense? 


THE JEEP THING?"  Maybe (speaking to the writers) you could just get someone with 



This film feels like you're picking up your brother's teenage daughter from highschool and you meet their "HOT" friend who heads to their house too. You know everything is wrong and you shouldn't be slightest bit interested but you look anyways... feeling nasty and dirty the entire time. But then she talks about Justin Beiber or says YOLO and everything you just previously felt goes out the window and you realize the fantasy was way more cooler then the reality. 


The idea of a RESIDENT EVIL movie was always cooler then any of the movies that actually came to pass... and this being the "ENDING" of the entire series ... well it achieves exactly the same feel as all the others... a forgetable mess of boredom. AND A SUPERIOR HOLE IN THE POCKET. I spent 55 dollars seeing this in IMAX with a friend and a date... Yeah I had a date. Mothers do count. DIdn't say I was getting lucky after the date... 

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