Savage Love
So yesterday I was in my closet playing with play dough. Cause I feel that if my inner child is needing to be played with I should touch him and play with him in the confines of my closet. Who knows what people may think if I did this in a public place... So while sculpting a very detailed replica of a bowl of noodles on the moon I started to feel empty. Lonely, disjointed, missing human interaction, sad, depressed, as many descriptive words you can muster.
So things have gotten here. Me in my prime sitting in my closet making very accurate bowls of soup using my play dough and play dough noodle maker. This is my life, moments later I found myself making popcorn and after the popcorn was finished all I did was place my feet in it. I tossed them around in the well popped butter filled clusters. It was joyous with moments of giggles popping out of my mouth, like bubbles, but that was short lived as I didn't watch anything. I had no reason to even do this. So I turned on my CR TV and tried to play something worth watching of course to ruin a bit of the story. I found nothing. Then I thought to myself. HEY MASTERS OF HORROR... they might have on a new film... on their youtube channel. If I'm not doing anything of purpose today maybe I can at least update the site with a new review. And so I am here... two hours later updating this site. With a new review of something that down right frightened me.
The people on the crew end of this film really knew how to set up a shot. I mean... picture this - the lighting off kilter to aid to a very bright but yet positive outlook on the horrific scene deep in a lair, the audio swiftly tucked around so that way people could speak loudly and the main noise captured is that of the echo, the camera man making sure that no matter what happens he will get only wides and throw creativity out the window. BRILLLLIANT! By seamlessly acting as if the film were lower then themselves they only found ways to highten the creativity of the film by making people believe that it was the lack of creativity and knowledge thus hurling this into a realm of sheer and utter briLLLLiance! Could it be I stumbled upon the gem of the century? Could it be that this is it! This is the greatest gift that has ever been given to man?
So after viewing this film I did rush to the bathroom and wash my feet. I don't feel that I have to explain my feet washing but I'm going to. So while watching this epic piece of cinematic awesome I lost clear control of a few things. Someone didn't relay to me that mixing a diet of protien powder and play dough would cause someone to loose all control of their bowels and mess their pants. But it wasn't the solid matter ... no that is to good for this day... it had to be the amazing pure liquid super stinky kind. The kind that once you smell it, you reflect upon all life as you know it and how aweful this world is to you. So at that moment of pooing my pants and sitting in my own fegal matter while watching this movie I really get the idea that this film maker tried to dictate through the entirety of the film. It's not the shit we watch but its the shit we do that is the shit that we ultimately give to this world.
Then the movie went blank. And a bloody man tries to pick up a girl. This dictates the supidity of the film as that girl then does not care about the man looking injured as she proceeds to beat him. Then the film ends. And so I then ended up washing my body of this shit and washing my feet of my shit and here our shits combined to embrace. The only way to dictate the film to anyone is "you will not enjoy it." So below is the link for you to view it and shit your pants as well. ENJOY!

This gif here describes the entire feeling you get from the film.