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Transexual killer... 


I remember the first nightmare I ever had. I was alone... I had a sandwhich in one hand and a donkey kong butter knife in the other. I was hunting the wild africanized killer rabbit. This thing was cute and cuddly but had the balls of a walrus and could reproduce A sexually. I was on the verge of reenacting the Most Dangerous game as this terror was also hunting me.  Then twenty five years later I stumbled upon this movie that I missed during my youth. And it all came bubbling back. 





                                                                                        True Evil 













This was suppose to give children nightmares and never want to go to camp again... Luckly in this version she didnt whip out her badly imposed dick and go on a killing spree... No she only used her very famous name and landed her a role that will scare the hell out of anyone whose still three to five years old dreaming about the care bears which oddly haven't had a reboot... What the hell guys... what the hell... why not? Now I know the care bears is a bit homo but at this day and age we embrace any and all cultures. CARE BEARS SHOULD BE ONE OF THEM. Except lets make the care bears kill people... I smell emmy. Oh and this movie... well after watching it... I feel like this is something that deserves to be left in the vault... and probebly could have been better if she chased everyone around with a dick in her hand instead of killing them with a... butter knife... and other odd assortment of badly devised weapons... kills ... mayhem. 


I will watch the next two cause I hear there is a series of FOUR

Oh boy! The shit will come piling on. 

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