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Angered Me


HAZZAA - thats right ass holes I said it. Now I seem like a nerd from the 1980's back watching revenge of the nerds for the 100'th time as we cheered on BUGER doing his famous infinite belch. But this film inspired me and thus it should inspire you. This film brought me something I've been longing for for over a decade. A sheer good way to hide any kind of bodily gasses. Yes, I was able to hide any kind of gas leaking out of my buttocks because everyone in the room around me has been struck with narcolepsy. Absolutely, this red eye gouging piece of cineshit put everyone asleep except me who oddly had the bubbling churning world war in my stomach and I was allowed to drop not one but several nukes with out any collateral damage. This is something every one should know about and if your belly is rocking ... this movie should come a knocking

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