From the Producers of "A BAD MOVIE" and "ANOTHER BAD MOVIE"
The HOUSE OCTOBER BUILT... the main cover of this movie tells me... Two things... NO CUTE GIRLS... and... Home MADE PHOTOSHOP poster. This was a rare opportunity where I prepared myself for urine stains and having to wash the fright out of my sofa... I use a mixture of baking soda and bix... and a vacuum cleaner. The opening of the movie actually got me prepared... my pants dropped to my knees and I was already hanging them up so that way the ten dollar pants wouldnt get soiled by any suprise projectile fear induced urine and or fegal matter that might escape my control. Yes I did have a clothes line hanging up behind the sofa as I watched this film. After the initial opening that had me dreading the moments to come I then had every hope surge out of me as the film itself was ... a found footage type of film... and... its just about people seeking the best haunted house attraction... yeah... so the budget that it looked like they spent in the ... bad photoshopped image poster was just that... their entire budget.
So the usual happend they go from attraction to attraction filming ... already made haunted houses and people in cheaply made costumes... for the entire film... yeah... I wont give away the ending... because if you are really wanting to be dissapointed like I was who ... if I had the money I would have been hurling my poo at the television in complete frustration... This film begged me not to watch it... tried to force me to turn away and turn it off because of its lack of ... anything... there is nothing keeping me going... So for the remainder of the film I really just started picking at my own skin... there was some black heads that I never knew existed and I also googled random facts... which I will list here...
-Longest time between two twins being born is 87 days.
-THERE is a postbox in SUSAMI bay that is 10 meters underwater.
-Female Kangaroos have three vaginas
-The slowest light has ever been recorded at moving is at 38 miles per hour
-Casu Marzu is a sardinian cheese that contains live maggots. The maggots can jump up to five inches out of the cheese while your eating it.
-The british submarine HMS TRIDENT kept a fully grown reindeer called POLLYANNA on it during WWII
-BUZZ ALDRIN was the first man to URINATE on the moon.
In 1567, the man said to have the longest beard in the world died after he tripped over his beard running away from a fire.
-The DANCE FEVER of 1518 was a month long plague of inexplicable dancing in Strasbourg in which hundreds of people danced for about a month for no apparent reason, some did die.
-Sigurd the Mighty, a ninth-century Norse earl of Orkney, was killed by an enemy he had beheaded several hours earlier. He’d tied the man’s head to his horse’s saddle, but while riding home one of its protruding teeth grazed his leg. He died from the infection.
- In 2008 scientists discovered a new species of bacteria that lives in hairspray.
-The longest musical performance in history is currently taking place in the church of St. Burchardi in Halberstadt, Germany. The performance of John Cage’s “Organ²/ASLSP (As Slow As Possible)” started on Sept. 5, 2001, and is set to finish in 2640. The last time the note changed was October 2013; the next change isn’t due until 2020.
-The tiny parasite Toxoplasma gondii can only breed sexually when in the guts of a cat. To this end, when it infects rats, it changes their behaviour to make them less scared of cats.
-An epidemic of laughing that lasted almost a year broke out in Tanganyika (now Tanzania) in 1962. Several thousand people were affected, across several villages. It forced a school to close. It wasn’t fun, though — other symptoms included crying, fainting, rashes, and pain.
-The Romans used to clean and whiten their teeth with urine. Apparently it works.-