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Which title is it? I choose Queegy


So I went to the red carpet showing of this monster piece. Did you see what I did there I put master and changed it with Monster. Yeah, I'll toot my own horn for ya. But if you over look the horrid audio problems, very bad story, plot holes, bad acting, bad directing and camera angles, you get a pretty good film. The credits rolled very nice. Up a very desired yet under appreciated part of a film. And the one actor... his name is... Justin Armstrong... Died too quickly and it should have just been called... Queegy and been a satire with Justin just doing every character. I think that would have been a very good story. 


So I am confused this should have been the predicessor of Ouija Experiment  and this first got called Ouija experiment 2 theater of pain. I believe the of pain is about the pain the audience recieved while watching it. 


Dont worry I am happy to announce that the theatrical part of this film is not happening and this will be a Video on demand kind of digital film. So enjoy this amazing shit flick from the comfort of your own home. 

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