TOP 10 Halloween Movies
Every year movies come and go, but there are a few out there that idolize the genre and season they are made for. Christmas movies for example, "Home Alone" and or any movie with snow.
Halloween movies need more.
*Color Scheme
A Nightmare On Elm Street

Everyone knows the movie that started Freddy Krueger and Johnny Depp's career. This movie had a special place that was a fluke from the director Wes Craven. He hasn't done anything remotely as good as this movie or as iconic. Down to the sets in a boiler room with the red lighting to the scene of Depp getting sucked into the bed with blood erupting up onto the ceiling.
Tales From The Darkside

Beginning with a story of a little boy waiting to be eaten from a woman going to cook him and he distracts her with 3 tales of horror. The thought of this makes me smile. It is perfect criteria for a halloween story. Something dark yet quirky and off the wall. The first story is of a nerd getting a mummy and making that mummy come to life to do his dirty work. Second, is an assassin hired to kill a killer cat. Third is the one that sticks with me most as it is far from a horror. It is a love story, with a monster. A gargoyle kills someone in front of a man, and warns him never to tell anyone and to promise never to do so. He does. Finds a love and 10yrs later they have two kids and then he decides to tell her about the creature. She cries and tells him he wasn't supposed to tell. She turns into the monster and kills him. Her and her children go and turn to stone on a building. Classic show of story embodyment of the halloween season.
Hocus Pocus

The one movie where Sarah Jessica Parker turned heads and was the wet dream for all 13 year old boys. With it's quirky fun humor to its take on the halloween myths and legends. A halloween classic for the kids and something for the adults aswell.

This movie started a franchise all starting with a painted white William Shatner halloween mask. This movie was a prime example of the late 70's. John Carpenter made this with a small budget and with the lack of budget made a character that lives in nightmares to come, with remakes and sequels.

Ernest Scared Stupid

The best of the Ernest movies and the only one to ever have a theatrical release. This one had it all. Extreme special fx, physical and digital, slapstick humor, and fighting hoards of trolls with a sinus problem.

The Nightmare Before Christmas

The movie directed by Henry Selick but produced by Tim Burton. This movie is fun for all ages and with musical scores that embody the soul of the halloween season.


The anthology that started them all. Creepshow is a classic view of what has built the passions of halloween today.
The wooden killer indian, the creature in the box and the late Leslie Nealson as a killer.

Perhapse the scariest monster ever created for a movie. This movie was directed by the late Stan Winston, the most well known creator of puppets and monster creatures in all cinema. This one has the tone and coloring and some of the scariest scenes for an actor to act in.

Trick 'R Treat

This one movie is a fun enjoyable romp with an intertwining storyline and rich halloween colors and atmospheres. Some hate the movie, but this movie stands true to all the halloween myths and legends. A creative and fun anthology with a fun twist. Light hearted and for the adults of halloween.

Fright Night

Fright Night was a rare gem that recreated the horror of a vampire. Making them predators which they are. Staying true to all the myths and legends of vampires. The horror, the scares, Fright Night remasters the idea that vampires are monsters. Starting off being silly and quickly growing into an epic horrorfest to battle a vampire and a morphing beast. Probably the movie that brings horror and the fun of halloween without the mention of the season in one movie.