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Friended ... un style


I remember the days where I and my buddies would get on the ... well in person and talk to one another... but here we seem to be in the technology age and talking to one another in person is a rare act. So they are now SKYPING. The skype session only type of filming is interesting. We are actually just watching a camera watching a computer screen. Do you notice now why the trailer is pretty unrevealing of Unfriended. So I will be as UN as I can be in this review.  UNultimately we are watching a phantom or paranormal ghost kill these teens off with suicide. So when they get over taken they die by suicide... because the PHANTOM is someone each of these teens have wronged ... and its one girl they where just incredibly mean to who took her own life. Now half way through this I smelled an anti bullying craze sweep in and the PSA announcement from this was that... it is bad. Dont do it... mmkay...    But here is the unultimate question. Was the movie entertaining? It wasn't UNentertaining. It had its high parts and low parts and it had some fun plot twists that you didn't expect. But what I never got my head around is WHY were they so mean to this girl. Some of their jokes they said were JUST JOKES were them saying "GO KILL YOURSELF" "YOU SHOULD KILL YOURSELF" and such... who writes... that... as a joke? That haunted me most of all so I tried making it funny. SO I went home after viewing the movie and I found a few people on an AOL chat room... after I made the dialup noises by my own mouth ... (because I have att UVERSE)  and then I noticed in my room of 35 people that I was the only one who didnt currently have my name under my user name so I changed it to BILLIE  _   BOB and I took a picture away and started telling anyone in the chat room ... who where talking now about their lovely cat and how many videos they post of it online. And I said... Cats eh... thats soo coool... you should go kill yourself. ...  I of course started to get many threats and angry comments ranging from fu** you ... your d*** is small cause I have to go harrass people online... do it to my face you a** hole ... maybe I should go kill you you mother Fu**er...   So after I got all that I ended up saying "Dont worry Im trying to make it funny and not mean" This just spurred more F*** you ... you lame a** hole ... Get a life... suck my small chinese balls... Did your di** get run over by a steam roller you perverted sadistic anal retentive fridgided a** muncher. (that one was my favorite insult of the night, very colorful)    THIS made me wonder.... my case study didnt seem to result in anyone going ... HA HA... you are joking... but really everyone felt... like it was an attack... so Now I dont understand ... in the film... why teens these days think ... GO KILL YOURSELF would be taken any other way then... hostile... Maybe its because I'm not a teen anymore... or maybe because ... its stupid... 

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