This is a video I found. Do I believe in all of these... not really. But you watch and you decide.
You still Here! Good JOB! KEEP IT UP!
I looked through the video and found a lot of errors. Now I will debunk the video for you and have you decide.
Video #1. Ghost walk from Car! A horrible car accident happened where no one actually died. (learned that from research) But where did the ghost come frome? Camera lenses have such a unique quality... they reflect. But I dont believe that is what we are witnessing here. This can be easily done on a computer. But is that what we are looking at?
Video #2. Ghost running. This is another where there is a blue ish body running around the yard. This looks like it could be a person. This could also be a dust devil. Or just a bunch of dirt being blown through the yard. But let us not forget... why is this person videotaping their back yard? Is it cause they wanted to hoax a ghost sighting?
Video #3. The ghost turn. Now this one is quite easy to explain. The swamp gas went into the air and the reflection of the light caused... If anyone believes this one is real they are dumb. This is easily one of those not able to happen any more type of videos. Because the camera's now dont use tapes of any kind so the flickering or moving of the image from the camera is not possible. So then we get to the turn of the ghost. It is easly just a person who was after effects'd into the shot. For one they are not tracked with the footage and they dont move as the back ground moves so it seems like a bad cgi placement.
Video #4. The dreaded Campsite. The campsite of horrors is beyond scary. This clip will make the hair on your hands and feet raise up. Only those hairs. But lets see... could it be an animal in all this pixelated mess? Could it be something that easily darted into a bush or the grass... we will never know. But actually we do know. I contacted the real owner of this clip and this was actually a rabbit in the grass. The video cut early.
Video #5. Cemetary waltz. This one is a bit difficult to see. The IR camera didnt really have much to reflect on. But what we see is a body like object walking back and forth between two graves. Can we say definatively what it was... no... Will the owner of the clip return my calls... No...but maybe that is because I call using the name Swartz Mcgreen.
Video #6. Bonfire FLume. This is one of those amazing videos that accurately describe how lens flares work. Notice how the light moves with the camera's lens. And how it goes up because the image of light goes left and down.
Video #7. Hunter. This is one of those pictures that make your investigative juices flowing. What could this be? Is it a deer... is it a plane... is it a guy sitting back behind the animal ready to shoot it... Yeah... (for those of you that beg to differ from that assumption let me explain IR camera's. The futher away an object is from the IR camera's light will make the figure more distorted and less visible... as in the picture)
Video #8. Hallway of Shadows. The hallway shows a shadow darting down the wall. I cant really say if this is added in post. Or if this is real. But one thing I do wonder is where is the light coming from and that could explain the shadow a little more.
Video #9. Kids Aren't Alright. This is a strange one that for the best knowledge I have about camera's and the equipment... this would have to be faked. This would have to have been added digitally later... Now is that what is going on... I cant say definitively and I can tell you the people who took this video will not tell me that they hoaxed it or not.
What do we know about Ghosts? There are three different kinds. ECHOES, POLTERGEIST and RESIDUAL.
ECHOES - Kind of like what it sounds like... an ECHO... but not a physical manifestation. More of like Noises... bumps... moans, voices.
RESIDUAL - This is where a physical body can appear but its more of a larger more prominent ECHO. Such a mark has been left of their presence that they keep appearing doing the same thing ... this can almost be given a schedule.
POLTERGEIST- A conscious being that is in spirit form that interacts with people and can even harm them.
VIDEO 9 - seems like a RESIDUAL haunt if it is a true haunting and not a FAKED.
Video #10. Stripper Cell. This is something that I have feared all my life. Strippers coming back as ghosts. Actually this is just a very fake ghost video. For one ... why is this camera even running? Who wants to video tape this? And two this... well ... the body was shot on greenscreen and then scaled down and put too high in the room. If you add feet the object is walking 3 feet off the ground.
Video #11. PEEK- A - BOO. This ghost comes out of nowhere and seems like it is footage from a cheap horror movie. If this was seen by the camera man... I ... would run away. The camera man does not seem affected by this presence what so ever. So this makes me believe it was added after the film was shot.
Video #12. Paranormal Inactivity. I didnt see anything ghost related or anything really happen. If you saw something please let me know.
Video #13. What is ... Oh. I laughed pretty hard watching this. Did you notice it was even over acting dragging a leg behind it like it was coming up from the grave itself. A little bit of over acting for this faked footage.
Video #14. The Grudge 4. Yep I saw this on television the other day... this is one of those faked videos that if you go frame by frame when the camera skips a frame the creature... ghost... actually moves during that frame. Camera's depending on the frame rate duplicate frames and when that frame is duplicated this fake moves. Meaning... its a fake...
Video #15. One Fat Couch. That was a good one. I saw the bad pixelated movements... but not sure what I really saw. Was it something flying off the couch or something flying on the couch or just some pixels moving. Either way... why were we filming the couch? Was it a ghost hunt? Was it a prank on grandma or was it just a left out camera. We will never know. Or would we? I contacted the user who submitted the video and this... oddly enough was from ... he never emailed me back. So I stand by the statement ... we will never know.
Video #16. The Mist. I saw this ghost tentacle. Yeah. It was spectacular. In a very pooty tang kinda way.
Video #17. Schools Out. Ghost dust. I'm sure that is what we are seeing the infamous ghost dust of ... why is this video flickering ... who added that? And who took this off Metacafe? Seems like something from a bad film produced in the height of the Digital era.
Video #18. Keep the Door Closed. A shadow that closes the door. So ... that seems so set up. Who knew the ghost would be coming in to close the door? I suspect it is faked... I know how to fake it. But will they own up to it? No cause I cant find the true owner of this clip.
Video #19. Ghost Grandpa. This is an elderly ghost that seems to hang out in a chair... take a smoke break. Walk around uneasy and then go away. This is a dramatic ghost that seems to have all the stress in the world as he cant seem to sit still. This would be an easy effect to do because the camera is completely still. So adding a ghost wouldnt be that hard at all.
Video #20. Case of the Diner Mist. A mist like buger that goes from seat to seat like its playing a ghost like musical chairs. This is terrifying in how unterrifying it is. This is a very odd glowing buger that doesnt like where it is. If you want proof that this is real or faked. Just watch it again and keep an open mind and know that this is badly placed cgi.
Video #21. Did you SEE THAT! Really did you cause I again cant put my finger on anything happening in this clip. Pretty amazing pixelizations.
Video #22. Woah Ghost. This is a ghost coming up from taking a long nap. This is hard to be really serious about this clip cause it just really ... really... screams joke. But who knows. This could be real.
Video #23. The Skeletal Scare. This is creepy. Thats all I have to say. Creepy. Could be real. But it seems too dramatic.
Video #24. Ghost Throne. Game of Thrones be shamed. This is something that really isn't interesting its just a chair. And this doesn't have really anything happen but shadow ish thing. Not really paranromal huge... just meh.
Video #25. Parking Lot of Doom. A shadow of something goign through the parking lot. Could it be a bat... could it be a man... could it be a faked piece of footage? Or is it something more sinister? Like an evil puppy dog from hell.
Video #26. Hallway Shimmer. There is a weird shimmer. Is this a ghost shimmer? An evil Shimmer or demon shimmer? I can say its easy to fake . Cant seem to get to talk to the lady who took this... I think it was a lady. Sounds like a lady.
Video #27. The Stairwell of Doom'd. I got a lot of ideas about this one. But none involve ghouls or ghosts.
Video #28. Oh Boy. This is very nice just kind of spooky and kind of not spooky and kind of kiddy ish at the same time.
Video #29.
Video #30. Both of these last two are so dark or so jittery that I cant really tell whats going on here. SO if anyone is really paying attention to what is going on please tell me. I would love to know where the ghost is.