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This movie was a whisper that seemed to be passed only by the slightest flick of a tongue. No one wanted to say it too aloud, they wanted to keep it a secret hidden gem, a masterpiece of macabe that only is uttered and never spoken...HORSE SHIT. DID YOU WATCH THE DAMN MOVIE...
"I feared for every minute of the movie" (was said to me) I believe this was only cause the filmmakers had a gun against a kitten's head threatening to blow it away unless she saw every second of this movie.
"I didnt see the end coming at all" Did you walk in at the end only ...
"The masks and such are creepy" Maybe they would be creepier if they just used those paper plate masks, lets go lower budget... the lower budget you aparently people think is scarier.
Now dont get me wrong there were some good things in the movie... like... they made a poster... (that wasnt in the movie) they... actually had sound... they didnt speak a foreign language... and... umm... I saw... a house... that was clean...
Maybe I just dont get it. AND maybe, when I saw a test screening of DRIVE ANGRY and one of the audience members flipped off the PRODUCER for making us sit through it, the producer went home and swore off making films forever cause he knew that he had a curse and that curse would forever stain the world with horrible movies. I'm so glad he did no such thing.
Dont watch this movie. Or if you do . Dont like this movie ... if you do ... then there is proof that humanity is on a decline and the rapture is coming. (which is a better premise for a movie then this film)
Written by
Gerald Crum